Corporate Governance Policy
The Board of Directors realizes the importance of good corporate governance and is committed to ensure that the Company operates its businesses by adhering to good corporate governance codes for long term sustainable growth, and supports transparency, with a view to not only building confidence for shareholders, investors, or all stakeholders, but also creating benefits and good business performance for the organization in a sustainable way.
As a result, the Board of Directors has considered and reviewed “Corporate Governance Policy” at least once a year which is based upon codes and guidelines set out in “Corporate Governance Code for Listed Companies 2017” of The Securities and Exchange Commission of Thailand, in order to raise the level of the Company’s existing business performance to a higher level, to establish clear and standardized practical guidelines, to promote understanding and to create a culture of good corporate governance in the Company and the Group of Companies as a whole. Putting these together, the business is expected to grow in a sustainable way accordingly.
Corporate Governance Policy

Charters of Board of Directors
DownloadCharters of Audit Committee
DownloadCharters of Executive Committee
DownloadCharter of Nomination, Remuneration, Corporate Governance, and Sustainable Development Committee
DownloadCharters of Risk Management Committee
DownloadCharters of Investment Committee
Code of Conduct
OSOTSPA Group of Companies (“Group of Companies”) have conducted businesses with honesty, integrity and ethics as well as having been responsible for their respective duties and committed in doing businesses in compliance with good governance practices. This enables Group of Companies to grow in a steady and sustainable manner.
The Company has developed this Code of Conduct with a view to setting up the guidelines and practices to which the directors, management and employees shall adhere and to facilitating Group of Companies to conduct businesses transparently, honestly and lawfully as well as to avoiding any activity which could lead to a conflict of interest. In essence, this will universally build up trust and recognition at the international level, thereby resulting in the sustainable growth of the Company.