Mr. Salin Pinkayan
Director, Member of the Risk Management Committee, Member of the Executive Committee, Member of the Investment Committee
Relationship with other Directors and Executives
- None -
- MBA, Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration, Chulalongkorn University
- Bachelor of Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Training of Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD) and other training
- IT Governance and Cyber Resilience Program (ITG) 17/2021
- Ethical Leadership Program (ELP) 22/2021
- Risk Management Program for Corporate Leaders (RCL) 21/2020
- Board Nomination and Compensation Program (BNCP) 1/2017
- Director Accreditation Program (DAP) 84/2010
Professional Experience During The Past 5 Years
Position as Director/Executive in other listed companies in SET
- None -
Position in other companies/businesses
2011 - Present
President, Southeast Asia Technology Co., Ltd.
2003 - Present
Director and Managing Director, Thai Developer Co., Ltd.
2002 - Present
Director, Creative Travel Co., Ltd.
1993 - Present
Director, Dynamic Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd.
1993 - Present
Director and Managing Director, Modern Technology Consultants Co., Ltd.
1993 - Present
Director, Bangkok Engineering Services & Technology Co., Ltd.